Since you are searching for this information, you may have found out that there is no way for Vinagre remote desktop viewer to connect to a Windows Server via Windows Remote Desktop ( RDP) when a RD Gateway Server is needed for the configuration. Know your display server Windows 10: On the taskbar, click the search box and type Remote Desktop Connection. Next, click the New button or use the shortcut Command + N to set up a connection to your server. There are plenty of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) tools available for Linux that allow you to connect to just about any platform, but for our purposes, we will be connecting to a Windows 7 desktop.
Fedora remote desktop to windows Basic command parameters for Rdesktop: rdesktop server-U user-P passwd-F Full screen, Ctrl+alt+enter switch available-A sets the screen color depth of the remote desktop, such as-a 16, indicating the use of 16-bit color How to allow Windows Remote Desktop Applications to connect to Red Hat Enterprise Linux? Solution Verified - Updated T05:34:40+00:00 - English